7165 days, 22 hours, 54 minutes, and 38 seconds This is Julia's age

Helping Your Child Succeed In School

Hi I'm Julia Rosalie Rush and i was born on August 18th at 7.18am and i love mama and papa and i like to sleep

Previous Posts
- On papa's chest,no she is not boring her self .......
- Mama Jaenet is ook heel blij met deze foto. Julia ...
- We zijn met Julia op bezoek geweest bij collega's...
- Julia had ook visitie van de mannelijke collega's...
- Julia's kleine handje in papa's grote hand.
- 'Ome Wim' met Julia. Julia had een hele mooie gekl...
- Marijka and Family come to visit Julia she gets a ...
- Julia just wants to sleep but Marijke has differen...
- One of her favorite toys she is punching it to hea...
- 18 September 2005 We can not believe how much Juli...

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